The benefits of mustard consumption - Fitness Tips
  • The benefits of mustard consumption

    The benefits of mustard consumption

    Yellow mustard is one of the most well-known and appreciated spices, used by a whole world, in many types of dishes. The plant is native to the Mediterranean region and is related to nutrient-rich vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Both the seeds and the leaves of the plant are edible, which makes mustard a very versatile food in the kitchen.

    The popular sauce is made from white mustard seeds, called Brassiness Alba, vinegar, salt, lemon and, to taste, pepper or other aromatic spices. There are several varieties of mustard, obtained from other types of seeds of this plant, including brown (Brassiness juncture) or black (Brassiness niggard) mustard seeds.

    Health benefits

    Mustard is usually consumed in small quantities, which is why its health benefits are less well known. Indeed, in order to fully benefit from the nutrient and vitamin intake of mustard, it is recommended to consume it more often or more. To consume more mustard, you can look at it as a low-calorie alternative to mayonnaise. A teaspoon of classic mustard contains 0.2 g of fat, 0.2 g of protein, 0.3 g of carbohydrates, 0.2 g of fiber and only 3.1 k cal.

    Mustard seeds are used in various natural remedies, and each type of seed has specific benefits. For example, some people use white mustard seeds in the treatment of a hoarse throat, for diuretic purposes, to prevent infections or to stimulate appetite.

    Black mustard seeds are often used in the treatment of colds, to reduce joint and muscle pain and to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. Some consumers use mustard seeds for brighter and healthier hair, along with healthier nails and skin. However, there is insufficient scientific evidence to support the cosmetic or medicinal benefits of mustard seeds.

    A teaspoon of mustard contains only 3 calories, which come from the carbohydrate content, but because the number of calories is so low, these carbohydrates will not make a significant difference in your daily caloric intake, which will support a harmonious silhouette.

    Dijon mustard may have a higher caloric intake, but not by much. So a teaspoon of Dijon mustard can have up to 10 calories. However, even with a teaspoon of mustard at a meal (provided that the mustard is eaten as often as possible), it has many health benefits, namely:

    • Antidepressant properties, due to the content of tryptophan, which is an essential amino acid for promoting well-being and relaxation. 
    • Anti-inflammatory properties, due to the content of selenium and magnesium - magnesium also supports mental balance, calming states of agitation and / or anxiety. Selenium, along with magnesium, make a good team against asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. For enhanced effects, a series of poultices with black mustard flour can be applied to the chest until symptoms subside.
    • It activates the metabolism (one teaspoon a day increases the metabolic rate by about 25%).
    • Stimulates digestion, due to the high content of vitamin B. People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome should be careful with frequent consumption of mustard.
    • Stimulates the immune system due to its anti fungal and antibacterial properties.

    It is important to remember that mustard should never be kept in the freezer, and if you have a pantry or cold storage space without access to natural light, mustard, even unsealed, can be stored very well. Otherwise, it is good to keep in the refrigerator after unsealing.

    Possible side effects

    Mustard is generally considered a safe food, but care must be taken when using it for cosmetic purposes, as it can have a strong irritating effect. Thus, applying white or black mustard on the skin for long periods of time can lead to pustules and burns.

    Mustard, as a food, can have allergenic potential, so people suffering from allergies should be careful with the consumption of mustard and derived products, such as mustard seed oil, seeds as such or mustard preparations. Symptoms of mustard allergy can be moderate to severe, such as itching, burning or swelling in the mouth. In more severe cases, breathing difficulties may be felt.

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