How to quickly overcome autumn asthenia: 3 nutrients anti-fatigue - Fitness Tips
  • How to quickly overcome autumn asthenia: 3 nutrients anti-fatigue

    How to quickly overcome autumn asthenia: 3 nutrients anti-fatigue

    The sadness present in the cold autumn days can be more than a passing mood, signaling the presence of asthenia. Complex carbohydrates, Omega-3 fatty acids and water are some of the elements that help you fight autumn asthenia.

    As the days get shorter, the immune system seems to lose its strength, which makes us feel weak and sad. Insomnia or excessive sleep, depression, lack of concentration, fluctuations in appetite and desire to isolate are among the symptoms of asthenia. They usually begin to appear in the first months of autumn and can last until the last days of winter.

    Everyone is likely to develop autumn asthenia, but this condition is common in people living in areas of the globe where winter days are very short, with little sun.

    An unhealthy diet can be responsible for promoting autumn asthenia. The first steps we need to take, in terms of nutrition, are to learn how to make the right choices when it comes to food, to get information about the products we usually consume from reliable sources, to take into account the importance of nutrition in our lives and how much we can help our body by consuming the right products.

    To prevent these conditions, specialists recommend that we consume large amounts of foods rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and nutritionists. In this way, we will enter the cold season with a fortified immune system, which will help us cope with cold and seasonal diseases.

    What are, specifically, the main anti-fatigue nutrients?

    1. Complex carbohydrates

    In addition to providing a constant level of quality energy for several hours, good carbohydrates (i.e those with slow absorption or low hypoglycemic index) from whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits help the body burn fat deposits more efficiently, without depleting the muscle store for energy.

    The ideal diet and, in general, a balanced diet consists of 50-55% quality carbohydrates, 20-25% protein and 20-30% fat, preferably unsaturated, of vegetable origin. As they are digested, complex carbohydrates provide energy constantly, and the fibers they contain slow down the digestion process, so the energy provided is lasting.

    2. Omega-3 fatty acids

    In fatty fish (such as salmon, herring, mackerel, cod liver), nuts and rapeseed or olive oil, these essential fatty acids, as the name implies, play an important role in maintaining brain health and thus help us. to stay focused. Walnuts are among the best foods to overcome fatigue, but also hunger, thanks to their content rich in Omega-3, protein, minerals and vitamins. Walnuts that provide quality energy include almonds, Brazilian walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, but also Romanian walnuts. Consume them unsalted and raw, because otherwise, through thermal preparation, they lose their nutrients.

    3. The water

    Fatigue is often a sign of chronic dehydration rather than nutrient deficiency.

    Water is the environment in which all the body's metabolic processes take place normally, and even a slight dehydration can cause the feeling of fatigue. Also, water is the only vehicle that carries nutrients to the body's cells and removes metabolic waste and toxins released through digestive processes.

    To assess the degree of hydration of the body, it is important to know that it would be ideal to urinate once every 2-3 hours during the day, and the urine to have a pale yellow color.

    In addition to drinking 8-10 large glasses of water daily, we need to eat foods that contain over 80% water, such as soups, teas, but also juicy vegetables and fruits such as cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage or melons.

    How to prevent asthenia

    Asthenia can be prevented by following a few simple steps: 

    Try to spend as much time outdoors as possible, even if it is cloudy. The effect of natural light is very important for our mental health. Also, nature walks help you get a more restful sleep.

    Adopt a balanced diet that contains enough minerals and vitamins. Also consider a dietary supplement that gives you energy, such as those based on magnesium and vitamin B6.

    Do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day or at least 5 days a week. No need to go to the gym, you can do sports at home (push-ups, push-ups, knee bends, etc. or pedaling on a stationary bike). Even if you can't do complicated exercises, an hour's walk in the park, three times a week, is extremely beneficial.

    Keep in touch with relatives and your group of friends and don't give up on the activities you usually do together. Social life is important at any age to maintain a good moral tone and to counteract anxiety and depression.

    Don't forget the time for you. Even if you have many obligations during the day and spend your time in the company of many people, make sure that at least 15 minutes a day you have time for yourself, in which to relax through an activity that you enjoy, regardless whether it's reading, meditation or a bubble bath.

    It is good to know that, usually, the symptoms of autumn asthenia will disappear once our body has adapted to the change of seasons, ie in no more than 15 days. If the symptoms of asthenia are very intense, the doctor can advise you by phone or call you for a consultation to recommend the appropriate treatment. If symptoms persist for more than 15 days or are accompanied by more serious problems such as fever, weight loss or respiratory failure, seek medical advice as soon as possible.

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